1-Hour Tour – Exterior Only
Let’s start our tour by exploring the Basilica of San Domenico, marveling at its Gothic architecture and Santuary of the relics of Saint Catherine of Siena. Then, we’ll head to Piazza del Campo, the pulsating heart of Siena, to discover the history behind the Palio, the famous horse race that animates the city.

2-Hour Tour – Cathedral and Contrada Museum
Beginning at the Basilica of San Domenico, we’ll immerse ourselves in the grandeur of the Siena Cathedral, admiring its frescoes and uncovering the Palio’s history. Afterward, we’ll visit a Contrada museum to explore the traditions of one of the districts participating in the race.

3-Hour Tour – Cathedral and Palazzo Pubblico
Following our exploration of the Basilica of San Domenico, we’ll delve into the Cathedral to admire its artistic treasures and discover the fascinating history of the Palio. Next, we’ll head to the Palazzo Pubblico, exploring its frescoed rooms and learning more about the renowned race.
In each tour, I’ll guide you through the history and allure of the Palio, from the ancient rivalry among the districts to the engaging traditions surrounding this thrilling event. We’ll conclude our journey in the splendid Piazza del Campo, enveloped in the energy and history of Siena.

If you want to know more about it, feel free to send me an email
