This is a tour where you will learn all about the lives, the stories and legends of saints, poets, damsels, popes, noble families, bankers, the rich and the poor. Those who lived and still live in Siena.

We will visit the Palace of a Sienese Noble Family, the Cathedral of Siena where we will learn the stories of artists and alchimists and we will wander through the labirinths of the Santa Maria della Scala Medieval Hospital.

We will not forget to talk about Pia dè Tolomei who Dante met in his journey to Hell Purgatory and Paradise in the 1300 C. Then we will meet Dante’s rival in poetry and politics Cecco Angiolieri, and ghosts, musicians, witches and saints…

This is going to be a very interesting and enthralling tour both for adults and children, you will feel like journalists in the italian history….

If you want to know more about it, fell free to send me an email to